Pilot Training
Chapman Aviation offers a variety of pilot training from a recreational license to a private pilot license and training for night, over the top and float ratings. We can provide training on your aircraft for complex aircraft (retractable, constant speed props), tailwheel, ski and amphibious configurations.
Recreational Pilot Training Course
Chapman Aviation is qualified to conduct training towards recreational, private, licenses, as well as over-the-top, skis, and night ratings. Although we don’t currently have a float or ski plane, We would be happy to do training on your own airplane.
John Chapman is the owner and CFI of Chapman Aviation. He is available for pilot training on the company Cessna 150 ans Cessna 172. He learned to fly on an Aeronca Champ and has flown a variety of tail wheel and float equipped aircraft over the years. He has helped pilots master the art of tail-dragger flying on aircraft from Luscombe 8A’s, Piper PA-20 to Cessna 185s with an RV-4 thrown into the mix. He has given float ratings to pilots on Fleet Cannucks to Cessna 185s.
Bruce Trudel is working as a part time instructor at Chapman Aviation. He is a Class 1 Instructor with a Group 1 Instrument Rating. Bruce is currenty having medical issues and is not instructing until these are resolved.
Peter Car works as a part time instructor at Chapman Aviation. He is multi IFR rated and is looking for new students.